

Webpages Related to the Tag Seafood

Seafood is a term used to describe edible aquatic animals, excluding mammals, but including both freshwater and ocean creatures. Most nontoxic aquatic species are exploited for food by humans. Even those with toxic properties, such as certain blowfish, can be prepared so as to circumvent harm to the consumer. Fish and other seafood may be humanity's most important food, after cereals, furnishing about 5 percent of the world population's protein intake. Seafood comprises all bony fishes and the more primitive sharks, skates, rays, sawfish, sturgeons, and lampreys; crustaceans such as lobsters, crabs, shrimps, prawns, and crayfish; mollusks, including clams, oysters, cockles, mussels, periwinkles, whelks, snails, abalones, scallops, and limpets; the cephalopod mollusks-squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish; edible jellyfish; sea turtles; frogs; and two echinoderms -sea urchins and sea cucumbers. The most commercially important ocean fish are species of salmon, herring, codfish, flatfish (flounder, sole, halibut, turbot), redfish (ocean perch), jack mackerel, tuna, mackerel, and sardine. Major species of freshwater fish are carp, eel, trout, whitefish, pike, pike perch, and catfish. Because fish spoils quickly and is thus highly perishable, for most of history the majority of the catch has been dried, smoked, salted, pickled, or fermented when not eaten fresh. Even when these practices are no longer strictly necessary for preservation, the distinctive alterations in taste that they produce have cultivated a continuing demand for fish preserved in these ways. Fish are cooked whole or cut into steaks, fillets, or chunks. Crustaceans are usually cooked whole, alive, as are most mollusks. Larger and tougher mollusks are ground or sliced and pounded to tenderize the tough flesh. Here are some fun online games tagged with the keyword seafood.

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